6.2 Lock/Unlock File Text
6.2.1 Read a file as text
The locked/unlocked file can be read as text as shown in the code snippet.
6.2.2 Write fileText to a file
The locked/unlocked file text can be written back to the file as shown in the code snippet.
6.2.3 Lock File Text
The lockFileText
function locks a file data as text with default BayunEncryptionPolicy and BayunKeyGenerationPolicy dictated by company settings.
The function takes the following parameters :
sessionId : Unique SessionId which is received in the login/registration function response.
fileText : File text to be locked. You can use the utility function readFileAsText to read file as file text.
6.2.4 Lock File Text with Encryption Policy, Key Generation Policy
The lockFileText
function with encryption policy, key generation policy as parameters locks a file data as text. The function takes the following parameters :
sessionId : Unique SessionId which is received in the login/registration function response.
fileText : File text to be locked. You can use the utility function readFileAsText to read file as file text.
encryptionPolicy : BayunEncryptionPolicy determines the key to be used to generate the lockingKey.
keyGenerationPolicy : BayunKeyGenerationPolicy determines the policy to generate the lockingKey.
groupId : GroupId is required if encryptionPolicy is
If encryptionPolicy is other than GROUP
then groupId should be an empty string.
6.2.5 Unlock File Text
The unlockFileText
function unlocks a locked file data as text. The function takes the following parameters :
sessionId : Unique SessionId which is received in the login/registration function response.
fileText : File text to be unlocked. You can use the utility function readFileAsText to read locked file as file text.
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