8. Bayun Errors
Following are the errors thrown by the Bayun SDK, along with a description for each error.
BayunErrorAccessDenied - If user access is denied(authentication token expires) or if user does not have right to perform certain operation, library returns BayunErrorAccessDenied.
BayunErrorEncryptionFailed - If encryption fails, library returns BayunErrorEncryptionFailed.
BayunErrorDecryptionFailed - If decryption fails, library returns BayunErrorDecryptionFailed.
BayunErrorInvalidPassphrase - If passphrase is invalid, library returns BayunErrorInvalidPassphrase.
BayunErrorInvalidPassword - If password is invalid, library returns BayunErrorInvalidPassword.
BayunErrorPassphraseCannotBeNull - If passphrase for validation is null, library returns BayunErrorPassphraseCannotBeNull.
BayunErrorInvalidCredentials - If credentials are invalid, library returns BayunErrorInvalidCredentials.
BayunErrorCredentialsCannotBeNull - If credentials for authentication are null, library returns BayunErrorCredentialsCannotBeNull.
BayunErrorUserInActive - If employee Status is Inactive, library returns BayunErrorUserInActive.
BayunErrorAppNotLinked - If app is not linked with Employee Account, library returns BayunErrorAppNotLinked.
BayunErrorInvalidAppId - If app id is invalid, library returns BayunErrorInvalidAppId.
BayunErrorCompanyNameCannotBeNull - If CompanyName is null, library returns BayunErrorCompanyNameCannotBeNull.
BayunErrorInvalidCompanyName - If company name is invalid, library returns BayunErrorInvalidCompanyName.
BayunErrorCompanyEmployeeIdCannotBeNull - If CompanyEmployeeId is null, library returns BayunErrorCompanyEmployeeIdCannotBeNull.
BayunErrorGroupIdCannotBeNull - If GroupId is null, library returns BayunErrorGroupIdCannotBeNull.
BayunErrorEmployeeDoesNotExist - If the employee does not exists, library returns BayunErrorEmployeeDoesNotExist.
BayunErrorGroupDoesNotExistsForGroupId - If groupId does not exists for GroupId, library returns BayunErrorGroupDoesNotExistsForGroupId.
BayunErrorGroupDoesNotExistForGroupId - If employee does not belong to Group, library returns BayunErrorGroupDoesNotExistForGroupId.
BayunErrorMemberAlreadyExistsInGroup - If member already exists in the Group, library returns BayunErrorMemberAlreadyExistsInGroup.
BayunErrorCannotJoinPrivateGroup - If member tries to join private in the Group, library returns BayunErrorCannotJoinPrivateGroup.
BayunGroupTypeCannotBeNull - If no group type is specified when creating a new group, library returns BayunGroupTypeCannotBeNull.
BayunErrorAtleastThreeAnswersRequired - If user answers less than Three security questions, library returns BayunErrorAtleastThreeAnswersRequired.
BayunErrorIncorrectAnswers - If user has provided wrong answers for more than Two out of Five security questions, library returns BayunErrorIncorrectAnswers.
BayunErrorEmployeeDoesNotExistsInGivenCompany - If autoCreateEmployee is disabled and the entered employee doesn't exist, SDK returns BayunErrorEmployeeDoesNotExistsInGivenCompany.
BayunErrorCompanyDoesNotExist - If autoCreateEmployee is disabled and the provided company doesn't exist, SDK returns BayunErrorCompanyDoesNotExist.
BayunErrorInvalidAppSecret - If the app secret provided is invalid, the SDK returns BayunErrorInvalidAppSecret.
BayunErrorEmployeeVerificationFailed - If the verification fails for any of the keys of the employee, the SDK returns BayunErrorEmployeeVerificationFailed.
BayunErrorGroupDecryptionFailed - If the decryption fails for any component of the group, the SDK returns BayunErrorGroupDecryptionFailed.
BayunErrorUserIsNotRegistered - If user is not registered and login is attempted.
BayunErrorEmployeeAppNotRegistered - If an employeeApp is not registered.
BayunErrorLinkUserEmployeeOnAdmin - User and employee exist, Login on admin panel with user to link user and employee.
BayunErrorIncorrectSecret - Incorrect secret for face model.
BayunErrorRoomDoesNotExist - If room does not exist.
BayunErrorEmployeeAlreadyExists - If employee already exist.
BayunErrorUserAlreadyExists - If the developer tries to register a user that already exists, SDK returns BayunErrorUserAlreadyExists.
BayunErrorIncompleteSecurityQuestions - If the developer provides incomplete data for set security question, the SDK returns BayunErrorIncompleteSecurityQuestions.
BayunErrorGroupDecryptionFailed - If the decryption fails for any component of the group, the SDK returns BayunErrorGroupDecryptionFailed.
BayunErrorSomethingWentWrong - If error is unknown, library returns BayunErrorSomethingWentWrong.
BayunErrorAuthenticationFailed - If user authentication fails, library returns BayunErrorAuthenticationFailed.
BayunErrorEmployeesDoesNotExist - If the employee does not exists, library returns BayunErrorEmployeesDoesNotExist.
BayunErrorReauthenticationNeeded - If it's needed for the user to be authenticated again, library returns BayunErrorReauthenticationNeeded.
BayunErrorUserPasswordVerificationEnabled - If the user being used to register a new employee has password verification enabled, SDK returns BayunErrorUserPasswordVerificationEnabled.
BayunErrorPasswordCannotBeNull - If password is null then SDK ruturns BayunErrorPasswordCannotBeNull.
BayunErrorEmployeeAuthorizationIsPending - If employee authorization is pending then SDK returns BayunErrorEmployeeAuthorizationIsPending.
BayunErrorGroupKeySignatureCouldNotBeGenerated - If group key signature could not be generated then SDK returns BayunErrorGroupKeySignatureCouldNotBeGenerated.
BayunErrorGroupPrivateKeySignatureCouldNotBeGenerated - If group private key signature could not be generated then SDK returns BayunErrorGroupPrivateKeySignatureCouldNotBeGenerated.
BayunErrorNoGroupMembers - If no members found in the addMembersToGroup function then SDK returns BayunErrorNoGroupMembers.
Last updated
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