2. Quick Start Guide for Beginners
For beginners, the quickest way to experience the magic of BayunCoreSDK is to create a simple app by going through the following steps:
As first step, get started with the overview video and the demo video available on Bayun’s website: www.bayunsystems.com
Register a developer account with Bayun, and create a new application by following instructions in Getting Started section. Make sure to create a new application secret with all the 3 roles enabled, so that the same app-secret can be used everywhere in the app for easy testing.
Get the Bayun SDK from github, and integrate it into your project/application as per section Integrate Bayun SDK. Look at the sample TestApps to see how different functions from Bayun SDK are used inside an app to secure the user data.
For user login, after going through the instructions in the Authentication section, just use the loginWithPassword function listed under section Login With Password, and make sure to set autoCreateEmployee parameter to True, leaving parameters securityQuestionsCallback and passphraseCallback to null. This will do away with the need to go through separate user registration flow altogether, as it will create the user account automatically if it doesn't already exist. It will also avoid having to understand the other login flow using loginWithoutPassword for now, which is more complicated and can be used later for advanced functionality. Do make sure that the actual passwords you use for creating any accounts are not lost, as there is no way to recover from a lost/forgotten password while using this function for user login!
After successful login, you can simply call lock and unlock methods listed under BayunCoreSDK Operations for safe encryption of user data. For Encryption Policy, just use the policy Employee. It will ensure that none other than the user can access their data. Actually any policy other than Group policy is fairly simple to use. However use of Group policy requires more advanced functionality with separate Group Management described under the section Groups, which can be skipped for now.
Optional: Join the Bayun Developer Community Slack to get help and support from Bayun’s own team as well as from other developers using Bayun SDK.
Once you have a simple test app working, you can explore more advanced functionality by going through the rest of the documentation, and slowly refining the app in different areas. For example you can use the Group Encryption policy with an arbitrary group that you can control the membership of (e.g. see the Groups section). You can also try using loginWithoutPassword function for user login listed in section Login without Password (which does require separate user registration as per section Register without Password), as it is designed to be used by humans (with optional Facial Recognition) and is also robust against lost/forgotten passwords, etc.
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