Add the following to the scripts:
<script src=""></script>
5.1.1 Initialize the S3 object
Pass your Amazon credentials to the secureS3 constructor.
let isConfigUpdate = false;
let s3;
try {
if (!window.AWS) {
if (!isConfigUpdate) {
window.AWS.config.update(({ region: <region> }));
isConfigUpdate = true;
s3 = new window.AWS.S3({
credentials: new window.AWS.Credentials({
apiVersion: "<apiVersion>",
accessKeyId: "<accessKeyId>",
secretAccessKey: "<secretAccessKey>",
signatureVersion: "<signatureVersion>",
region: "<region>",
bucket: "<bucket>"
catch (error) {
5.1.2 Upload a File to Amazon S3
To upload a file to S3, instantiate a s3 object. Call upload() and pass the following parameters:
let lockedBase64ToArrayBuffer = "<fileToUploadInBase64Format>";
let fileType = "<fileType>";
let fileName = <"fileName>";
let bucket = "<bucketName>";
await this.uploadToS3Bucket(
(progress) => { console.log(progress) },
uploadToS3Bucket = async (stream, progressCallBack, fileType, fileName) => {
try {
let uploadItem = await s3.upload({
Bucket: bucket,
Key: fileName,
ContentType: fileType,
Body: stream
}).on("httpUploadProgress", function (progress) {
console.log("progress=>", progress)
console.log("uploadItem=>", uploadItem);
return uploadItem;
catch (error) {
5.1.3 Download a File from Amazon S3
To download a file to S3, instantiate a s3 object. Call getObject() and pass the following parameters:
await s3.getObject(
Bucket: "<YourBucketName>",
Key: "<YourFileName>"
async function (error, data) {
if (error != null) {
alert("Failed to retrieve an object: " + error);
} else {
//alert("Loaded " + data.ContentLength + " bytes");
// do something with data.Body
console.log("Downloaded Image Data :", data);
console.log("Array ", data.Body);
5.1.4 Tracking S3 Transfer Progress
To get the progress of a download or upload, use the following code snippets. For example:
getUploadingProgress = async (uploadSize, totalSize) => {
let uploadProgress = (uploadSize / totalSize) * 100;
return Number(uploadProgress.toFixed(0));